Silvermoon Syndicate

Sukuratchi & Animals


Sukuratchi, a grizzled and season veteran of Jima’s famed fighting pits, an accolade that many in his trade cannot claim. His years training and taming animals means that Sukuratchi has a vast knowledge of skills and techniques that enable him to bring even the most fearsome of wild animals under his command or push a broken animal to amazing lengths of stamina. Always accompanied by Akuma or “Devil”, the animals named so for their constant snapping and pestering after food.

Price: £12.05

Wasupu & Senpu


Wasupu: It is unclear exactly where the Silvermoon source their knowledge of new technologies. Whether through a shrewd business deal or more nefarious means the Syndicate acquired the intricate, rapid, reloading mechanism showcased in their repeater crossbows. Wasupu wields this fearsome weapon with great skill and accuracy. Using the finest Minimoto steel, his bolts find the weak points in even the finest armours. On top of this Wasapu can identify the weak points of even the toughest beast.  

Price: £14.24



The only thing to match the beguiling beauty of the Roses of Silvermoon Syndicate is their athletic physique. Experts in the arts of manipulation and misdirection, they pass through their unsuspecting enemies waiting for the moment to strike. Once the veil of safety drops Tsubaki’s opponents have to contend with their foe dancing rhythmically in and out of combat, whilst they swing wildly at thin air. This is not Tsubaki’s only trick for she, like many Roses, carries an exotic mix of flower petals which, when blown into a victim’s eyes induce blindness.    

Price: £9.84



This giant Buto is the personal bodyguard of Harukichi and was selected for obvious reasons. His prowess in the Jumo arenas quickly attracted attention, it was clear to most he was destined for a top position within the Syndicate, and he has not disappointed.

Price: £12.05



A seasoned and cunning tactician in all affairs. His razor sharp mind and unflinching resolve make Harukichi an exceptional businessman and leader. Those in his gumi display an unshakable faith in his decisions and follow his orders without question or pause. Those who follow the Five Fortunes believe that you make your own luck and this is particularly true in Harukichi’s case. It appears to his enemies that should Harukichi will it his followers are able to achieve the most unlikely feats, whilst their own trip, stumble and flail wildly.

Price: £9.84


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